Will Technology Replace Real Estate Consulting in the Future?

With the rapid rise of technology in recent years, changes due to mechanization have begun in many sectors. While technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning started to replace humans, especially in the manufacturing sector, these new developments have also affected the hospitality and service industries. While many people today wonder what will happen to their line of business in the face of technologies that are ready for further development, the real estate field does not seem to be adversely affected. Here are the reasons!

Why Can’t Technology Replace Real Estate Agents?

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    Technology is actively used in today’s real estate field. Customers make their ideal housing searches first on the classifieds sites, while real estate agents rarely encounter the necessity of showing a place. Despite this, technology is not expected to negatively affect consultancy services, at least in the near future, and the main reason for this is the lack of human-specific abilities such as body language, empathy, understanding the other side, and responding to emotions.

    • Human Intuition

    Real estate is one of the rare sectors that has managed to be positively affected by technological updates. While the need for manpower decreased in other business lines, developments in the real estate field did not adversely affect the presence of agents. On the contrary, all agents who want to provide a sustainable consultancy service today must develop a business model intertwined with new-generation real estate programs. The main reason for this requirement is that the human element in the real estate sector is irreplaceable with technology.

    For example; A person who wants to buy a house wants to communicate with a real person about the ideal house, no matter how advanced the technology is. At this stage, technology can only serve to speed up the process with filtering tools such as the number of rooms, floor information and location. However, the gestures and facial expressions of the real estate agent and his ability to persuade the other party are effective in making the final decision. Since these features are humane, it is not possible for now to be implemented by machines soon.

    • Reasoning Ability

    Thanks to the technologies developed recently, there is almost no limit to the information that can be accessed with just one click in the real estate sector. Although the software used in real estate agencies increases the quality of work, it is a human ability to gather all data and interpret it and combine it with future predictions. In short, it would not be possible to properly interpret the data obtained without agents who follow the market and provide communication between the buyer and the seller. So while the use of technology can help provide insights and charts full of useful information for clients, it’s useless without an agent to aggregate that data.

    • Empathy

    Another skill that makes real estate agents indispensable is the ability to empathize. For now, although machines can learn, they cannot think like a human or put themselves in someone else’s shoes. Therefore, features such as ideal price quotes and a quick search through filters are not enough to satisfy customers. Bargaining, establishing emotional bonds with the other party and giving personal advice are jobs that only real estate agents can do.

    Despite the rapid progress of technology, real estate consultancy seems to keep its essence. However, it is extremely important for all employees to be familiar with digital tools to exist in the future.

    Allowing agents to carry out their work more efficiently; A powerful agent, working in the background and making market and price analysis, saves time and helps to identify the most accurate real estate for customers. You can reach a new generation service standard with Fizbot real estate assistant, which increases business efficiency, facilitates customer management and increases the level of satisfaction. You can learn more about this powerful platform by contacting us here!

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