Discover new updates!

With our system that refreshes our database more frequently, we have ensured that you see the most up-to-date version of the listings during the day. We’ve also introduced a faster experience by enabling you to instantly receive notifications of seller leads added to your area throughout the day, in addition to the expertise area notifications […]

What Impact Could the New GPT-4.o Have on Real Estate and Economy?

Artificial intelligence has been used actively in almost every field in recent years, showing that it will have a positive impact on business processes. Chat GPT plugin “Omni”, which was developed by OpenAI and attracted attention after its release, signaled that it will expand its usage area with its abilities to understand text, summarize, translate […]

Get faster with February 2024 product updates!

In our latest updates, we aimed for a Fizbot that brings the web version closer to mobile, allows you to access your favorite reports faster, and allows you to follow your opportunities more practically. Let’s get started! We’ve jazzed up the reports page to make it more intuitive and aligned with the Lead Management interface. […]